A Super Long Exquisite Corpse
A Global Collab!

In April 2021 I sent out an open invite to my Newsletter Subscribers and Skillshare followers to collaborate on a super long Exqusite Corpse.
An Exquisite Corpse is where a few people contribute toward a ‘body’. Typically someone draws the head, someone else the body, and someone else the legs. But with this project there were 17 of us who contributed to it.
Why This Project?
Because we’d been in some form of COVID lockdown for over a year!
I wanted to connect with people in a fun way.
The Result

This is what we collaboratively created. Pause to take a good look at each segment!
Thank you to this Exquisite Corpse’s contributors!
In no particular order:
- Mary Campbell – @mcampbll
- Loló Rodriguez - @lolorod.pintando
- Emilie Proulx – @emieprou
- Anna Schumann – @AnnaSchumann
- Sheila Foraker
- Lesley Godwin – @talithetiger
- Geetha Madhurya
- Melle Mellink
- Rekha Krishnamurthi – @DivineNY
- Janet Grice – @PlanetGrice
- Moira Armstrong – @moira_armstrong
- Kei Ka - @Keillustree
- Candice
- Ninja Paillettes – @ninjapaillettes
- Marjon